“Design is not just what it looks ‘like and feels like’.
Design is HOW it WORKS”
— Steve Jobs —
Klopidea adalah Design Services and Marketing Communication Solutions, Kami siap membantu pengembangan strategi, Design Development dan Brand communication produk Anda dengan diskusi, konsep presentasi and Anything at all.
Juga untuk untuk jasa pembuatan DESIGN (LOGO, Design Graphics, 3D Artist Impression atau Commercial Ads) silahkan menghubungi kami dan pelaksanaanya bisa dilakukan secara Online atau bertemu langsung (Meet & Discuss).
jasa Pekerjaan di Klopidea :
Mekanisme Pekerjaan :
1. Anda dapat menghubungi kami di 087 888 055 311 / w.a 0856 866 5006 atau email ke fahriubay75@gmail.com , Anda dapat mengatur pertemuan dengan kami untuk diskusi. Pembicaraan akan berkisar tentang Strategy, konsep design, proposal Event atau Design Advertising.
2. Komunikasi online dapat dilakukan lewat email untuk materi re-Designing dan Brand New Launch Product Proposal.
1. Anda dapat mengatur pertemuan dengan kami, atau lewat email (Online service) Materi adalah Design Graphic, Artist Impression, Industrial Designing, Visual Merchandising & Art Design.
2. Untuk Re-Branding communication Anda dapat mengumpulkan Contoh-contoh design yang sudah pernah dibuat sebelumnya, kami akan memberikan Advise untuk solusi effective Advertising & Production. pekerjaan akan dipersiapkan dalam bentuk paket proposal Konsep Advertising yang akan disepakati dari jumlah konten dan budget yang tersedia.
Dengan menghubungi kami, akan dipastikan akan terbuka ide-ide dan wacana baru untuk menemukan Solusi meningkatkan Branding Awareness dan Target Selling produk Anda.
Contact Person:
Mobile : +6287 – 888 – 055 – 311 / +62856 – 866 – 5006 (Please massage if phone don’t picked up)
W.A : 0856 866 5006 / Fahri Ubay
email : fahriubay75@gmail.com – fahri.ubay@gmail.com
fahri Ubay
Fahri Ubay, CEO & Founder of Klopidea.com
“I wrote here to intended for friends in same profession can interpret the work of Marketing Communication and Graphic Design in a simple, practical and efficient, and the people can be understand it easily, and appreciate to new habits in advertising communication”
I have always worked on the basic by Arts & Composition, Details and Simplicity of message Content in any kind of works : Graphic Design, Interior , Video , Music or production works, illustration, and even brand strategy planning.
seeking “how people Interesting first, Choosing to use and after all will love what we produce”.
Work Experiences
1989 – 2000
work at Leading Property & Retail business management
Ex: Lotus Dept Store, Borobudur Dept Store, Sunter Mall, Mal Mangga Dua, ITC Mangga Dua, Mangga Dua Square, etc
Working as Visualizer, Interior Design & Graphic Design Supervisor
Handling all about Event, Display, Fixtures, P.O.P, Printing, Marketing Tools and Coordinating Designing, Process System managing and Production progress .
At : ½ Sendok Communication (Advertising & Production House)
Working as Art Director, responsible to Designing, Supervising for Advertising and Event Production.
PuriAd (Advertising)
Working as Art Director, responsible to Designing, Supervising for Advertising Production
Media Kreasi. ( Advertising & E.O )
Working as Creative Director, responsible to Event Concepting, Designing, Supervising for Advertising and Event Tools Production. Organizing & Show directing for live Event.
LOWE Lintas. ( Advertising )
Working as Art Director, responsible to PrintAd & TVC Concepting, Designing, Supervising for Printing, Photo Session & TVC Production.
2005 – 2009
Spotlite Communication
Working as Creative Director, responsible to Event, Broadcast & Ad Concepting, Designing, Supervising for Advertising and Event Production. Organizing & Show directing for live Event.
Andina Advertising
Working As Creative Director & Branding Strategic Consultant
PT Olympus Property
Working as Creative & Branding Promotion Strategic, reponsible for for Designer Team, production & Launching New Product of Property ex: Apartment, Modern Market, Ruko, Resort & Water Park.
Al-Azhar Memorial Garden
Working as Promotion manager, responsible for Branding Strategic, Marketing communication, Promotion Event, Artistical field development.
2014 – Now
PT ASCO Development
Working as Branding & Advertising Manager
responsible for Branding Strategic, Marketing communication, Media & Event Promotion, Graphic Design & Building improvement
Others Experience
Graphic Design & Interior Design for Commercials, Song Writer& Music composer, jingle Product composer , TVCommercial, Video Clip Director, Painting, Illustrator, Theatrical & Stage Performing, Song Remixing & Disk Jockey Live Performance, Ex-Group Band Vocalist & Drummer player, Ex-TVC & Agency Model Talent
Contact Person
Mobile :
+6287 – 888 – 055 – 311 +62856 – 866 – 5006
LIMITED Urban Fashion & Entertainmen
Plaza Semanggi Lt. 2 Blok B No. 99 Jl. Raya MH Thamrin Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
email : fahriubay75@gmail.com – fahri.ubay@gmail.com
fahri Ubay